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Archive   fotorama   /   2011-07  

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cube.html   FormattedLists.html   JavascriptRedirect.html   /   PrintingExperiments.pdf   /   About.html.txt   AllDocs.html.txt   AllLinks.html.txt   index.html.txt   PostMortems.html.txt   random.html.txt   RandomLinkMain.html.txt   RecentChanges.html.txt   ThisMonth.html.txt  

<< Notebook Pages >>

 PageCreated (UT)Last Modified (UT)
1 To do 2010-04-02 14:55:55 2015-06-01 07:32:43
2 2010-06 Cosmetics 2010-06-26 11:01:27 2010-06-27 15:48:22
3 Icon 2010-07-14 19:58:02 2010-07-14 20:03:16
4 What others think 2010-09-05 17:51:50 2010-09-05 17:53:33
5 MathJax Test: ${\mathcal A}^w(\uparrow_n)$ 2011-11-29 02:38:53 2011-11-29 02:38:55
(.one source file for all pages above)

<< Mathematica Notebooks >>

 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 200328 source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2020-03-28 15:00:40  
2 AcademicPensieveStartup source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2025-01-13 10:22:54 Startup declarations for my Academic Pensieve.
3 AssemblyPrograms source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2024-03-21 10:56:25 This notebook contains the programs that assemble the web versions of my pensieves.
4 BatchAssembly source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2015-02-13 20:20:52 Batch assembly of my Academic Pensieve.
5 DeleteAllIndexes source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2023-06-18 12:51:12  
6 DeleteAllThumbnails source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2023-06-18 06:33:32  
7 ExifImageComments source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2013-02-01 04:20:25 A failed attempt to extract a jpg image comment.
8 ImprovingNotebookPrinting source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2011-02-28 11:21:18  
9 index source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2019-05-25 22:51:09  
10 InteractiveAssembly source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2023-06-18 17:48:31 Interactive assembly of my Academic Pensieve.
11 JavaView source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2011-11-30 19:37:35 JavaView experiments; more at pensieve://2004-03/ and at pensieve://Classes/0405-1300/.
12 NETLinkDebugging source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2019-07-28 15:19:29 Interactive assembly of my Academic Pensieve.
13 OneNoteXMLExperiments-1107 source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2011-07-11 12:37:45  
14 PDFImport source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2013-02-01 04:20:38  
15 Playground source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2013-08-24 20:23:13 Template file for pensieve expermintation.
16 PrintingExperiments source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2012-12-01 20:39:54  
17 RandomLink source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2015-10-13 10:49:04  
18 ShortcutTarget source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2014-05-31 03:17:21 Trying to fix the shortcut target-detection program.
19 VideoToGIF1 source 2024-03-17 10:28:43 2020-03-20 11:14:07  

<< Links >>

  1. Studied 2011-06-04 14:46:52: Google Custom Search - Site search and more.
  2. Studied 2011-07-16 03:57:04: OneNote PowerToys - The Daily Ramblings of an SMS Engineer.
  3. Studied 2011-11-14 08:34:03: sorttable Make all your tables sortable.
  4. Studied 2011-11-28 21:36:59: MathJax.
  5. Studied 2011-12-07 12:37:36: Calling .NET from Mathematica - Wolfram Mathematica 8 Documentation.
  6. Studied 2011-12-07 12:43:31: OneNote 2010 Technical Documentation.
  7. Studied 2012-09-10 06:16:07: Read URL GET variables with JavaScript Papermashup.com.
  8. Studied 2012-09-12 20:48:48: escaping - How do I URL-escape a string in Mathematica - Stack Overflow.
  9. Studied 2012-12-08 09:30:49: version 9 - how to make the file size for mathematica 9 export graphic smaller (like mathematica 8) - Mathematica.
  10. Studied 2014-05-21 18:14:43: How to pin either a Shortcut or a Batch file to the new Windows 7 Taskbar - Super User.
  11. Studied 2014-07-07 21:46:28: PDFTOHTML conversion program.
  12. Studied 2014-07-07 21:54:36: PDF2HTML EX.
  13. Studied 2015-01-27 19:36:35: Baring it all Science Careers.

<< Images >>

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An image caption.


<< Other Files >>

AcademicPensieveStartup.m   AP.ffs_gui   AssemblePensieve.bat   AssemblyPrograms.m   BatchAssembly.m   DeleteAllThumbnails.m   global.css   index.js   InteractiveAssembly.m   OneNote 2010 Customizations.exportedUI   OneNote 2013 Customizations.exportedUI   sorttable.js  

   <<  AcademicPensieve  >>

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All 65 Files

200328.nb   2011-07.lnk   About.html.txt   AcademicPensieveStartup.m   AcademicPensieveStartup.nb   AllDocs.html.txt   AllLinks.html.txt   AP.ffs_gui   AP.ffs_gui~   .AP.ffs_gui.un~   AssemblePensieve.bat   AssemblyPrograms.m   AssemblyPrograms.nb   Baring it all Science Careers.URL   BatchAssembly.m   BatchAssembly.nb   bbs.jpg   Calling .NET from Mathematica - Wolfram Mathematica 8 Documentation.URL   cube.html   DeleteAllIndexes.nb   DeleteAllThumbnails.m   DeleteAllThumbnails.nb   escaping - How do I URL-escape a string in Mathematica - Stack Overflow.URL   ExifImageComments.nb   FormattedLists.html   global.css   Google Custom Search - Site search and more.URL   How to pin either a Shortcut or a Batch file to the new Windows 7 Taskbar - Super User.URL   ImprovingNotebookPrinting.nb   index.html   index.html.txt   .index.html.txt.un~   index.js   index.m   index.nb   InteractiveAssembly.m   InteractiveAssembly.nb   JavascriptRedirect.html   JavaView.nb   MathJax.URL   NETLinkDebugging.nb   OneNote 2010 Customizations.exportedUI   OneNote 2010 Technical Documentation.URL   OneNote 2013 Customizations.exportedUI   OneNote PowerToys - The Daily Ramblings of an SMS Engineer.URL   OneNoteXMLExperiments-1107.nb   PDF2HTML EX.URL   PDFImport.nb   PDFTOHTML conversion program.URL   Playground.nb   PostMortems.html.txt   PrintingExperiments.nb   PrintingExperiments.pdf   random.html.txt   RandomLinkMain.html.txt   RandomLink.nb   Read URL GET variables with JavaScript Papermashup.com.URL   RecentChanges.html.txt   ShortcutTarget.nb   sorttable.js   sorttable Make all your tables sortable.URL   TestJPG.jpg   ThisMonth.html.txt   version 9 - how to make the file size for mathematica 9 export graphic smaller (like mathematica 8) - Mathematica.URL   VideoToGIF1.nb