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250225-085441: Computations using very little space (2).

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  250225-085441: Computations using very little space (2).
  250225-085440: Computations using very little space.
  190523-135701: Solitons and the NLS (5).
  190523-134057: Solitons and the NLS (4).
  190523-131710: Solitons and the NLS (3).
  190523-125238: Solitons and the NLS (2).
  190522-120700: Wave packets and the Schrodinger equation (5).
  190522-115126: Wave packets and the Schrodinger equation (4).
  190522-113033: Wave packets and the Schrodinger equation (3).
  190522-111538: Wave packets and the Schrodinger equation (2).
  190429-164149: Wave packets and the Schrodinger equation.
  190111-165945: Solitons and the NLS.
  170427-133704: Universal computation and universal construction (4).
  170427-133151: Universal computation and universal construction (3).
  170427-132032: Universal computation and universal construction (2).
  170427-131558: Universal computation and universal construction.
  160908-174303: Haskell's find::(seq->bool)-> maybe seq (2).
  160908-171958: Haskell's find::(seq->bool)-> maybe seq.
  160815-174841: The continuum hypothesis.
  160809-165718: Solving functional equations.
  160630-165825: Equality using inductive types.
  160623-183218: Inductive types (2).
  160623-174538: Inductive types.
  160623-171122: Equality (2).
  160620-180054: Equality.
  160620-170513: Some mathematics using type theory (3).
  160614-184048: Some mathematics using type theory (2).
  160614-171549: Some mathematics using type theory.
  160609-182258: Foundations of type theory (4).
  160609-174513: Foundations of type theory (3).
  160609-172326: Foundations of type theory (2).
  160609-165316: Foundations of type theory.
  150520-135657: Hashlife (3).
  150520-131454: Hashlife (2).
  150520-124817: Hashlife.
  150406-202057: The method of super- and sub-solutions (4).
  150406-201034: The method of super- and sub-solutions (3).
  150406-195911: The method of super- and sub-solutions (2).
  150406-191325: The method of super- and sub-solutions.
  150320-093318: Hamiltonian Systems (3).
  150320-091753: Hamiltonian Systems (2).
  150320-090958: Hamiltonian Systems.
  120619-141949: Braids and virtual braids, K groups, Hecke algebra.
  120417-142851: Noether's theorem in the abstract.
  120327-170156: Some divergencies.
  120223-140001: Naive type theory.
  120216-140830: Meta-cross-products (3).
  120216-131219: Meta-cross-products (2).
  120214-143438: Meta-cross-products.
  120209-153731: Some concordances.
  120207-140115: Some homology facts (3).
  120202-143145: Some homology facts (2).
  120202-133912: Some homology facts.
  120202-132109: Graded vector spaces.
  120131-141217: Computing the Kauffman bracket.
  120131-135041: R2-3 invariance of the Jones polynomial.
  120131-134015: R1 invariance of the Jones polynomial.
  120126-143127: Lorentz-invariant measures.
  120124-142224: Meta-groups (2).
  120124-140249: Meta-groups.
  120124-131908: Types and measurable cardinals.
  120120-092020: QM conventions, generators for finite-index subgroups.
  120112-150234: Some Feynman diagrams (2).
  120110-161715: Some Feynman diagrams.
  111208-142747: Wick's Theorem.
  111206-143415: Expectation values in free field theory.
  111201-135953: More on type theory (2).
  111129-150326: More on type theory.
  111122-143445: A theory with a funny parity symmetry.
  111122-133728: The invariance of charges, following Coleman Lecture 6.
  111108-135138: Something on type theory (2).
  111108-131013: Something on type theory.
  111011-141803: Schrodinger and Heisenberg equations.
  110828-114056: Lie algebras, diagrams, tensors (3).
  110828-113602: Lie algebras, diagrams, tensors (2).
  110828-111534: Lie algebras, diagrams, tensors.
  110828-103225: The stationary phase approximation.
  110817-182836: More Gaussian Integration.
  110513-171844: Faddeev-Popov.
  110510-163113: Abelian Chern-Simons.
  110510-155414: Inverting the Laplacian.
  110506-184343: A short proof that $\pi(n)\geq C\frac{n}{\log n}$.
  110506-162948: Connected sums of KTGs.
  110502-215046: Inverting the 1D Laplacian (5).
  110502-214220: Inverting the 1D Laplacian (4).
  110502-212647: Inverting the 1D Laplacian (3).
  110502-211053: Inverting the 1D Laplacian (2).
  110502-205711: Inverting the 1D Laplacian.
  110429-164427: Gaussian Integration (3).
  110429-162742: Gaussian Integration (2).
  110429-161818: Gaussian Integration.
  110311-181527: Planar curves (3).
  110311-175920: Planar curves (2).
  110311-173412: Planar curves.
  110225-172037: Quadratic reciprocity (4).
  110225-170309: Quadratic reciprocity (3).
  110218-174953: Quadratic reciprocity (2), Lyndon words and irreducible polynomials.
  110218-172029: Quadratic reciprocity.
  110211-173057: Germs and 1-forms.
  110211-171920: The linking number.
  110211-164759: de-Rham and homotopies.
  110121-171203: $C_0$ stability of integration of differential forms.
  110107-172247: Stokes' Theorem (6).
  110107-165202: Stokes' Theorem (5).
  101203-180249: Stokes' Theorem (4).
  101203-175157: Stokes' Theorem (3).
  101203-172425: Stokes' Theorem (2).
  101126-170338: Stokes' Theorem.
  101119-173814: Finitely generated modules over a PID (2).
  101119-171437: Finitely generated modules over a PID.
  101105-172903: Braids and pure braids (2).
  101105-170940: Braids and pure braids.
  101008-173603: Differential forms (3).
  101008-172432: Differential forms (2).
  101008-165254: Differential forms.
  101001-183900: Shaming broken computers (3).
  101001-181620: Shaming broken computers (2).
  101001-180631: Shaming broken computers.
  100514-162239: Excision.
  100507-165439: H(X,A) (2).
  100507-162751: H(X,A).
  100402-163423: The inverse and implicit function theorems (2).
  100402-161528: The inverse and implicit function theorems.
  100326-171656: Basic homology (3).
  100326-162358: Basic homology (2).
  100317-174730: Basic homology.
  100312-172016: Noether's theorem.
  100312-164842: The isoperimetric inequality.
  100226-171126: Lagrange multipliers, the discrete Fourier transform.
  100226-164655: Lagrange Multipliers (3).
  100226-163102: Lagrange Multipliers (2).
  100226-161616: Lagrange Multipliers.
  100219-170458: The brachistochrone (3).
  100219-164733: The brachistochrone (2).
  100219-162215: The brachistochrone.
  100212-165258: Conservation of energy.
  100212-160657: The most general Euler-Lagrange.
  100205-165416: The Fourier transform.
  100129-165321: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (8).
  100129-164830: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (7).
  100129-163235: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (6).
  100129-161239: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (5).
  100122-170242: Gaussian Integration (5).
  100122-164517: Gaussian Integration (4).
  100122-163449: Gaussian Integration (3).
  100122-162753: Gaussian Integration (2).
  100122-161439: Gaussian Integration.
  100115-163821: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (4).
  100115-162311: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (3).
  100108-163826: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (2).
  100108-163058: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator.
  080526-130314: Bell's inequality.
  080418-170631: #P
  080411-095902: Mermin's experiment.
  080404-174051: Polynomials with prime values; splitting extensions.
  080307-093138: Not, nand and error correction.
  080229-102814: XOR Life and transistors.
  080222-100029: Euler's theorem.
  080222-094417: Simple linkages (2).
  080125-103323: Simple linkages.
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