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Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Moskovich"

120629-160643: My beta-calculus to do list.

120629-115850: The Lindstrom-Gessel-Viennot Lemma.

120629-114111: The meta-bigroup of w-objects.

120628-114021: A cohomological view of basic arithmetic.

120628-105952: The micro-linear line (4).

120628-094807: The micro-linear line (3).

120628-093633: The micro-linear line (2).

120628-092627: The micro-linear line.

111005-154843: Some A-Spaces associated with links with a fixed linking matrix (4).

111005-145213: Some A-Spaces associated with links with a fixed linking matrix (3).

110923-161658: Some A-Spaces associated with links with a fixed linking matrix (2).

110906-142718: Some A-Spaces associated with links with a fixed linking matrix.

110721-160432: More on Appleboim (2).

110721-152946: More on Appleboim.

110705-181327: A proof of Westbury's theorem for the theta graph (3).

110705-174400: A proof of Westbury's theorem for the theta graph (2).

110705-172411: A proof of Westbury's theorem for the theta graph.

110704-135830: Relations in $\ker\gamma$ (2).

110704-132937: Relations in $\ker\gamma$.

110621-161728: Finite type invariants of algebraically split links (2).

110621-151931: Finite type invariants of algebraically split links.

110512-180319: The cu invariant (3).

110505-174944: The cu invariant (2).

110505-173134: The cu invariant.

110413-182426: A conjectured classification of Aw spaces.

110404-174724: UFTI for algebraically split links.

110309-113234: Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine (8).

110308-180807: Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine (7).

110308-175548: Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine (6).

110308-173739: Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine (5).

110308-172057: Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine (4).

110307-183751: Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine (3).

110223-181833: Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine (2).

110223-173549: Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine.

110216-181530: Braids, tangles, embedding spaces.

110216-172729: Spectra.

110125-150202: $K(\Gamma,1)$ and bordisms.

110113-164710: The main theorem, 3-colouring case.

110112-172416: Back to G-Coloured Knots (3).

110112-165840: Back to G-Coloured Knots (2).

110112-164112: Back to G-Coloured Knots.

110111-173410: On Hartley's paper on metabelian representations of knot groups (3).

110111-170814: On Hartley's paper on metabelian representations of knot groups (2).

110111-165418: On Hartley's paper on metabelian representations of knot groups.

110110-172427: G-Coloured Knots (3).

110110-165402: G-Coloured Knots (2).

110110-163258: G-Coloured Knots.

101123-145647: KTGs and measures on $G^E/G^V$.

101121-145803: $\Delta(\nu)\neq\nu\otimes\nu$ in ${\mathcal A}(\uparrow)$.

101116-154854: Z_G and Z^w.

101116-152926: D(G) as a circuit algebra.

101116-150844: Universal central extensions

101109-160046: The world according to Gauthier (2).

101109-134932: The world according to Gauthier.

101108-134458: D(G), Pontryagin, and Johnson-Livingston.

101107-125533: Pontryagin and Johnson-Livingston.

101107-105449: Slides and the unlink.

101104-183143: Zhat and Zcheck and slides (2).

101104-181929: Zhat and Zcheck and slides.

101102-145850: Lescop's view of the Alexander polynomial (3).

101019-135310: Lescop's view of the Alexander polynomial (2).

101019-124312: Lescop's view of the Alexander polynomial.

101012-160313: U(Ig) and D(G).

101012-154840: U(Ig) and tangential differential operators.

100928-160311: Speculations on Alexander modules.

100908-173421: Gassner from Cohn (3).

100908-170813: Gassner from Cohn (2).

100908-164001: Gassner from Cohn.

100810-170651: Cohn localization.

100805-165423: On Cimasoni and Turaev (6).

100805-163711: On Cimasoni and Turaev (5).

100804-170429: On Cimasoni and Turaev (4).

100804-165836: On Cimasoni and Turaev (3).

100804-163145: On Cimasoni and Turaev (2).

100804-162104: On Cimasoni and Turaev.

100730-150639: General musings.

100713-155105: Cimasoni-Turaev.

100713-135856: Trivalent vertices and cabling.

100630-164733: Invariants of coloured knots.

091108-130533: On Turaev's Words (8).

091108-130516: On Turaev's Words (7).

091108-130507: On Turaev's Words (6).

091108-112329: On Turaev's Words (5).

091108-112321: On Turaev's Words (4).

091108-103931: On Turaev's Words (3).

091108-103923: On Turaev's Words (2).

091108-103916: On Turaev's Words.

091106-115648: Cyclic and braid-like R moves, descending virtuals.

091105-163244: 3-loop odd Jacobi diagrams vanish.

091105-155453: Boundary equivalence of knots.

091105-153142: A weird formula for the Alexander polynomial.

091105-150538: Rho equivalence of coloured knots.