Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Itai"
170427-133704: Universal computation and universal construction (4).
170427-133151: Universal computation and universal construction (3).
170427-132032: Universal computation and universal construction (2).
120619-141949: Braids and virtual braids, K groups, Hecke algebra.
120120-092020: QM conventions, generators for finite-index subgroups.
111122-133728: The invariance of charges, following Coleman Lecture 6.
110506-184343: A short proof that $\pi(n)\geq C\frac{n}{\log n}$.
110218-174953: Quadratic reciprocity (2), Lyndon words and irreducible polynomials.
110121-171203: $C_0$ stability of integration of differential forms.
100226-171126: Lagrange multipliers, the discrete Fourier transform.
100129-165321: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (8).
100129-164830: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (7).
100129-163235: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (6).
100129-161239: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (5).
100115-163821: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (4).
100115-162311: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (3).
100108-163826: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator (2).
100108-163058: What happens to a particle in a harmonic oscillator.
080404-174051: Polynomials with prime values; splitting extensions.