Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Halacheva"
150812-104216: Interpreting $\Gamma$ calculus as a scattering process.
141002-110952: A gluing formula for the degrees 0 and 1 of Jana's invariant.
131018-145843: Comparing Jana's calculus with $\Lambda$-calculus (2).
131018-143914: Comparing Jana's calculus with $\Lambda$-calculus.
130111-155742: An invariant for tangles in a manifold with boundary?
120531-165017: Drinfel'd double invariants, universally and not (5).
120510-165811: Drinfel'd double invariants, universally and not (4).
120503-163510: Drinfel'd double invariants, universally and not (3).
120426-170635: Drinfel'd double invariants, universally and not (2).