Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Chterental"
160518-142908: The Burnside $B(2,5)$ group and the Goeritz group.
160505-133641: A surjection from the free group to knot theory (3).
160505-133230: A surjection from the free group to knot theory (2).
150512-154513: The fundamental group of the trefoil is a braid group.
150320-151053: Mapping flat braids to w-braids with $2n$ strands.
140820-084428: Modifying the Bardakov representation (2) - corrected.
140430-134453: Simple decker sets to w-knots, also on the infinitesimal level.
140206-114427: Trying to show that v-braids inject into v-tangles.
131112-105420: Manturov's representation of the virtual braid group (4).
131112-104356: Manturov's representation of the virtual braid group (3).
131112-102024: Manturov's representation of the virtual braid group (2).
131112-101459: Manturov's representation of the virtual braid group.
130801-163852: Proving the injectivity of Artin's representation.
121003-152900: Is ${\mathcal K}^{bh}_{\text{all}}$ a finitely generated MGA?
120905-154614: There is a knotted 4-punctured sphere whose boundary is the unlink, but there isn't such a 3-punctured sphere.
120628-165934: Stack presentations (8), and the $\pi_1$ and $\pi_2$ story.
111201-165327: A chord-diagram algorithm to decide the simplicity of plane curves.
111104-103416: Turning ribbon singularities into clasp singularities.
110419-140741: Kuratowski-style obstructions to simplicity of curves.
110127-143209: Questions on planar representations of braids (2).
100813-135437: Ribbon diagrams, ribbon handlebodies and Gauss diagrams for immersed surfaces.
100714-141059: The duality between the coefficients of the Alexander polynomial and wheels.
100517-150612: The Alexander polynomial of a ribbon 2-knot is of finite type.