© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Random

Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Alekseev"

190725-084210: Disallowed projections.

190705-155504: Is $v_1$ the key to understanding KV and the Goldman bracket?

180718-170627: Surfaces and gln (2).

180718-164002: Surfaces and gln.

180718-155834: Wedges of circles and double brackets.

180718-151733: A map tder -> Drinfeld Kohno (2).

180718-150605: A map tder -> Drinfeld Kohno.

180713-163202: w and Goldman (2).

180713-160859: w and Goldman.

180713-152811: $j(\phi)$.

131210-054526: tder as scattering operators.

131126-043107: Triality in kv and in grt.

131108-071125: The relationship between the AT KV and the original KV.

131025-073025: BF, Z, 2-holonomies.

131007-132349: Asscociators and the dilogarithm.

131003-053751: A very simple associator using trees (3).

131003-053750: A very simple associator using trees (2).

131003-053749: A very simple associator using trees.

130917-121122: Why quadratic KV is trivial.

130916-042803: Plans for my part of the course.

130913-121220: Allowing poles in power series.

130913-121219: What means explicit (2).

130913-121218: What means explicit.

130913-121217: A QFT conjecture.

111014-133744: A quotient and a presentation in/for A^w.

110601-151312: Shielded chord diagrams (2).

110601-151304: Shielded chord diagrams.

110601-121501: AET in a topological language.

110601-113735: EK and AET (2).

110601-113449: EK and AET.

110530-150107: The Pentagon implies the Hexagon (2).

110530-150059: The Pentagon implies the Hexagon.

080121-110258: Other quotients.

080121-104944: Homology of tder.

080121-103517: Trees and sder.

080121-094839: Relation with grt.

080121-093327: Definition of div.

080116-162451: Classes of derivations on free Lie algebras.