Blackboard Shots with Prefix "12_267"
12_267 is 2012 MAT 267 - Advanced ODEs.
121203-094744: The Sturm comparison theorem - comparing with Euler (3).
121203-094157: The Sturm comparison theorem - comparing with Euler (2).
121203-093704: The Sturm comparison theorem - comparing with Euler.
121203-092424: The Sturm comparison theorem - self comparisons (2).
121126-100200: The hardest case - $\alpha_1-\alpha_2\in{\mathbb N}_{>0}$.
121106-215829: A differential equation for the generating function of the $A_n$ (2).
121106-215243: A differential equation for the generating function of the $A_n$.
121106-213547: A recursive formula for the Catalan numbers $C_n$.
121105-105456: The non-homogeneous case using a Fundamental Matrix (4).
121105-105104: The non-homogeneous case using a Fundamental Matrix (3).
121105-104645: The non-homogeneous case using a Fundamental Matrix (2).
121105-104144: The non-homogeneous case using a Fundamental Matrix.
121022-093504: An aside on the Leibniz rule for higher derivatives.
121019-094033: Constant coefficients homogeneous high order ODEs (2).
121019-094024: Constant coefficients homogeneous high order ODEs.
121002-103950: Properly writing Euler-Lagrange and the brachistochrone.
120928-094804: The Fundamental Theorem: $\phi_n-\phi_{n-1}$ is well-bounded (2).
120928-094102: The Fundamental Theorem: $\phi_n-\phi_{n-1}$ is well-bounded.
120928-093027: The Fundamental Theorem: $\phi_n$ is well-defined.