Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Dancso"
200610-091024: A new(?) approach for solving KV degree by degree.
200428-210337: The injectivity of $\bar{\Gamma}$ and the Diamond Lemma (2).
200428-210336: The injectivity of $\bar{\Gamma}$ and the Diamond Lemma.
190918-044554: Embedding Lie algebras in Heisenberg algebras (2).
190911-223324: A braid group action on universal enveloping algebras.
170822-010634: Skein modules, surfaces, and a conjectural explanation of AKKN (2).
170820-232145: Skein modules, surfaces, and a conjectural explanation of AKKN.
140620-115206: A proposal for the writeup of the easy part of the proof of the main theorem of WKO3 (2).
140618-145947: A proposal for the writeup of the easy part of the proof of the main theorem of WKO3.
120726-120444: The double-double-tree construction for a single empty strand (2).
120726-114708: The double-double-tree construction for a single empty strand.
120524-111015: Everything we know and some things we don't know (4).
120523-170800: Everything we know and some things we don't know (3).
120523-105456: Everything we know and some things we don't know (2).
120211-171250: Meta-groups, meta-cross-products, and the Alexander polynomial (7).
120211-143958: Meta-groups, meta-cross-products, and the Alexander polynomial (6).
120211-143924: Meta-groups, meta-cross-products, and the Alexander polynomial (5).
120211-134316: Meta-groups, meta-cross-products, and the Alexander polynomial (4).
120211-134259: Meta-groups, meta-cross-products, and the Alexander polynomial (3).
120211-130018: Meta-groups, meta-cross-products, and the Alexander polynomial (2).
120211-125954: Meta-groups, meta-cross-products, and the Alexander polynomial.
110302-123511: A free-group notation for $\mathcal A$-operations (2).
110302-122234: A free-group notation for $\mathcal A$-operations.
100826-114406: The utility of having units and the proof of 6T from R3.
100805-122915: The lower central series and commutator identities.
100512-115142: The 5-cycle implies the 2-cycle and the 3-cycle in A4.
080826-163101: Problems with fixing the KI for trivalent graphs (2).