Blackboard Shots with Prefix "AKT17"
AKT17 is 2017 MAT 1350 - Algebraic Knot Theory.
170303-120237: The main ${\mathfrak g}_0$ theorem and lemmas (2).
170228-150154: The Hopf algebra structure on ${\mathcal A}^u(\uparrow)$.
170228-144905: The meta-Hopf-algebra structure on ${\mathcal A}^u(S)$.
170217-121428: Normal orderings and the ${\mathfrak g}_0$ invariant.
170214-130108: Jones is a power series of finite type invariants.
170117-114030: Kauffman's presentation of the Kauffman bracket (2).
170110-124647: Representing a knot on the computer, some Mathematica.