© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Morton-Ferguson:
170602-143126: Surfaces.

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Morton-Ferguson-{ hide text
  170725-165715: Essential surfaces in the solid torus (3).
  170725-162514: Essential surfaces in the solid torus (2).
  170718-175105: Essential surfaces in the solid torus.
  170718-171225: $\partial$-incompressible.
  170712-162906: Bounding the homology of CW complexes.
  170710-182154: Bounding the complexity.
  170630-160150: Seifert fibered manifolds.
  170630-153404: Existence of toroidal decompositions.
  170630-151844: Atoroidal manifolds.
  170627-154245: Incompresibility in $M$ iff in $M|S$.
  170627-153233: $M$ irreducible iff $M|S$ is.
  170627-150809: $T^2$ is prime.
  170622-165207: Compressible tori.
  170622-164118: There are no incompressible surfaces in $R^3$.
  170622-163423: A null-homotopic simple curve on a surface bounds a disk.
  170620-175927: Incompressible surfaces.
  170602-144332: Existence of prime decompositions (4).
  170602-143126: Surfaces.
  170601-145959: Existence of prime decompositions (3).
  170529-155938: Existence of prime decompositions (2).
  170529-154641: Existence of prime decompositions.
  170217-160854: Towards a proof of Alexander's theorem (2).
  170207-183602: Towards a proof of Alexander's theorem.
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